Monday, November 17, 2014

It's a.... popcorn?

Um... Gross much?

Let me give you a quick lil back-story.

Two weekends ago on a Saturday, I went to the movies.  I had my regular snacks while watching "John Wick" - which was quite entertaining BTW.  Come Sunday night, I had some discomfort in my gum area where one of my wisdom's reside.  So I do a lil Listerine flush session after a hardcore teeth brushing and hope everything goes back to normal "tomorrow".

Tomorrow comes, and the day after tomorrow, and the day after that, and my "discomfort" turned into a weirdly painful experience.  There was no amount of flossing, flushing, gargling, brushing that would make this go away.  So a week later I gave in, sucked in my pride, and called a random dentist to check and see what in the fuck is going on in the back of my wisdom tooth.

Wouldn't you know!  A fucking popcorn peel had inserted itself inside a cozy and vacant periodontal pocket and making my days a living hell, rotting right in between my gum and tooth, for a whole week! Yes, gross indeed.

All is good now.  The popcorn peel has been successfully removed with a torture device, and I am now shopping around for a water pick so this won't happen ever again.

Mujer precavida, vale por dos!

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