Tuesday, January 13, 2015


It's been freezing here on the Northeast Coast, and I'm ready for a weather break!  How lucky am I (and my dearest boyfriend and my beautiful baby Butts) to have a Puerto Rico trip scheduled two days from today?!?  WUT WUT!!!

Arecibo (Home), Rincon (Beach/Surf), Caguas (Zipline/Waterfall Rock-climbing), San Juan (Dinning), Aguadilla (Naughty Private "Disco") are some of the towns/things we will be visiting/doing.

Nice nights with my mom and small family, reconnecting with a strayed friend, spending quality/fun time with my man, in my Island.... on 80 degree weather...  What else could I ever ask for?

Nothing.  At this moment, seems like I have it all.

'Till next time!

Saturday, January 10, 2015


Today I scheduled a lil Homegoods/TJMaxx/Marshalls trip with my boy bestie - since mah man and I are looking to get an apartment together soon rather than later.  I felt a lil sad leaving my baby Butts behind, so... I brought her with.  Ain't she the cutests!? ;-)

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Good bye 2014

2014 was nice to me.  I certainly can’t complain.  Well, I can.  I mean… I can complain about that time that a good friend moved away.  I can also complain about that horrible job I ended up at that had me at the verge of CRAZY.  I can also complain about the fact that I wasn’t able to see my mom for Thanksgiving.  So yeah… If I think hard, I can come up with a few complaints, but…  regardless, I have to say, 2014 was a great year.  It was a year of change.  A year of challenges, that I believe I was able to accept, adapt and conquer.

2014 was a year of learning, adapting and growth.  I learned - and I am still learning, how to not be alone.  How to share my space with another human being.  How to think of another soul, besides just mine and what I want to do.  How to curb every selfish act, to include another person's wants.  I am still learning on how to not act on impulse.  To think before I act.  To think before I speak (I am still terrible at this one and to be honest, I think the stage I am at is as good as it gets! lol). I am still learning to keep my mind from wanting to run and stay... still... settled.

2014 brought me happiness.  It brought me peace.  It brought me "home"

With the good and the bad, I will always have a spot for this past year, but I am ready to look forward and keep growing along my partner in crime.

I hope this year ROCKS!

Happy New Year's Eve - and New Year!

Happy New Year's Eve everybody!!!!

I am so glad some of my new friends and the old were able to come out last night to have a nice and last year's meal together.

Today I am grateful for the new friendships forming in my life and for the ones that have been present and constant for years.

I wish all of my old and new friends (and my family, of course) a happy and wonderful and full of blessings and health new year!

May you all be able to make the right decisions.  And if  2015 comes with lemons...  go to the store and get some vodka!   *CHEERS*